Stupidity and the way it irks me...

Stupid people exist. I'm tired of not calling them on it...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

When oh when, will I be forgiven?

Let's me ask a hypothetical question.

If you were of German descent, and it just so happened your great grandfather was executed during WWII as a war criminal nazi, but after this occurred your Grandmother moved to the states, where she gave birth to your mother, who gave birth to you.

Now, you meet John Smith on the street, who is of Jewish decent. If Mr. Smith announced that his Grandfather was in the nazi-death camps and brutally mis-treated, does Mr. Smith deserve an apology from you?? In my opinion, no. Not at all. You weren't born, you can't control others actions. Mr. Smith needs to accept that the past was a tragedy and that you are not responsible for that which you cannot control.

This brings me to an article I found today...(regrettably). Read it here,

If you don't want to read the whole article, I can summarize. Ms. Kelley states that she upset that the President is being attacked verbally and that those who are attacking him by calling him a Nazi, commie, etc. are doing so because he is black. Her primary concern is that, it isn't being discussed as the reason for the attacks.

It's like this. If I was going to highschool, and the bank required a $5 deposit every month as...I don't for the school... and a guy was using the high school bank irresponisably and stating he wanted to pool everyones money together to provide...I don't know...a school nurse that the district couldn't afford (go with me on this). Now let's say the many of the student body didn't want their money being allocated to this nurse. Now let's assume this subject was doing it anyway and I called him a socialist. WHY am I calling him a socialist? Is it because he's acting like a socialist? Or is because he's gay, black, muslim, indian, japanese or whatever other picture you portray as the fella running the bank? No, it's simply because of his actions. Nothing further.

This ideal that any attack made toward the President because he is black needs to stop. This is the same thought process that makes many young black men who are arrested (LEGALLY) spout off "If I was white this wouldn't be happening".

Okay people, when can I be forgiven for my ancestors who I know NOTHING about? When will someone look at me and judge me for MY actions rather than those of my forefathers? When can someone look at the color of MY skin and judge me based on MY thought processes and actions rather than some mainstream ideal that states if I so much as test higher on a promotion quiz as opposed to minorites, that the test was rigged for ME.

This line of thought, is dangerous and backwards. I pray for the day that all of America can look inside themselves and realize, that THEIR desicions make their life.

Lastly though, this unfair protection that Obama is recieving for being called a Nazi is blatantly obvious. The proof is that no one so much as hinted that THIS web page or other comments made about Bush were inappropriate.

Please understand, that I know people are out there who are blatantly racist. They have a hatred for no reason other than ignorance. This is addressing the notion that a VAST majority of the waking world is racist, which is not the case.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

If FOX news has an agenda, what does MSNBC have???

MSNBC ran a clip recently about people arming themselves when the president is around.

Well dang. Ain't that a big gun? White guys carrying around big guns...Maybe MSNBC has a point??

Yeah, actually no they don't.

Know why?

Here's the photo of the guy who's carrying that gun.

Sooo let me get this straight. Fox news is the news that spins their reports, and introduces bias.

So, what does MSNBC do? Out and out lie?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Before you critique a profession you know little about...Get the full report.

My wife has already blogged about this on her page (I RULE YOU). But I want my two cents in here.

First of all, unless the Associated Press is giving wrong info here, a black male was seen "jimmying" a lock on a home. A concerned neighbor called thinking that said subject was breaking in (good neighbor no?). Police respond and make contact with the subject. The police (thinking that this could be a possible burglar *an offense deemed a felony*) demand that the subject show ID.

The subject refuses.

Stop there and think about your next move as a police officer.

You have a forced entry. You have a subject in the home who is refusing to give identification and NO confirmation that said subject lives there. WHAT DO YOU DO?

The police had the option of immediately arresting him, but from what I understand, they waited until a slew of verbal attacks came from the subject calling the Officers "Racist".

The Officers arrest said subject for disorderly conduct.

Now things you need to know about this. In most states (and I'm not familiar with Massachusetts law) refusing to give an Officer identification is an arrestable offense. But besides that fact, what would have happened to the Officer had this BEEN a burglar who was, say, armed with a handgun? If the Officer didn't execute some type of action, there is a high probability he could be killed.

Well guess what...OFFICER'S THINK LIKE THAT. Skip over the fact that the arrest was legit, I guarantee that the Officer's mindset was one of "I am going home tonight".

But enough about the arrest. Let's move on to the comments of the President.

It just so happens that the subject arrested is a friend of Obama. Obama is then asked about the incident in a press conference, makes no reference to hearing the Officer's side of the story or reading the Police Report, and says the Officer's "Acted stupidly".

Mr. Obama, throw a badge and gun on. Come see what we deal with. I implore you to do so, as it might enlighten you to what we "racist" stupid cops have to put up with.

I for one, have been called racist at least 1,000 times (my career has spanned 18 months at this point) and in all the cases, my arrests were deemed righteous.

This is by far, one of the worst smeaers law enforcement has ever recieved. And it's completely unjustified. But let's throw some icing on the cake shall we?? The Officer who executed the arrest?? Yeah, he's a certified EXPERT on the subject of Racial Profiling. This is by far my favorite quote from the AP.

"Cambridge Sgt. James Crowley has taught a class about racial profiling for five years at the Lowell Police Academy after being hand-picked for the job by former police Commissioner Ronny Watson, who is black, said Academy Director Thomas Fleming."

Oh snap! It would seem, that the Officer who executed the arrest is the LAST person on the face of the planet who would racially profile!!!!

Before I finish though, I think I should explain what racial profiling is EXACTLY.

Essentially racial profiling is the detaining (or stopping) a subject because of their race and their race ALONE. An example of racial profiling would be a report of someone (no race given) breaking into a house. When Officers arrive, 5 white males and one black male is present. Before Officer's ask questions, the dismiss the 5 white males, and accuse the black male of being the burglar. SEE THE DIFFERANCE?

Lastly, I would like to note that, yes, there are Officer's that racially profile. If these Officers are located, they should be terminated on the spot, no questions asked, and should NEVER work law enforcement again. Our jobs are to enforce the law, and there is NO segregation in the law.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What to even say.

I really don't have much to write about anymore these days.

Overall, I've vented about stupidity enough to be sick of it. Now I'm just happy if no one asks about the stupidity I get to deal with.

I've come to grips with the fact that, these people wear on me. There very existence makes my existence that much harder.

This in turn makes me bitter towards the general public, which bleeds over into my private and even family life. I snap faster around those I love then I do the asshats on the street. I'm willing to give a stranger the benifit of the doubt, but will bitch out my sister at the drop of a hat.

When did this happen?

It doesn't feel like the job is under my skin. It feels like it did 15 month ago when I was hired. Yet somehow, someway, an apathy, and general resentment towards mankind has set in.

I mean when I first started this blog I expected to make it satirical, with observations of how stupid people are. Now it's just observations of how much these people piss me off.

Wonder what the job will offer next.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Off topic, but it's been on my mind.

I know that the none of you that follow this blog are used to hearing me bitch and moan about the level of apathy towards respecting one's fellow man that general society has. However today, I've been going over some old photos of memorable events. This has made me draw the conclusion that I am NOT the sum of my experiences. But rather the sum of my experiences plus the guidance of many.

Today I want to thank one such person who has offered me guidance (although she might not know it.)

My sister Kim.

Kim has always been a nearly perfect example of what I am not.

She's trendy, I'm not.

She's phenomenal (or so I think) with money. I still struggle but am getting better at money management with my wife.

She always has the right thing to say in a conversation. I put my foot in my mouth 90% of the time, and annoy people the other 10%.

You get the picture.

But Kim has always been this shining example of how I want to be. She always has this aura of confidence that makes all her choices and problems seem so easy to handle. You could say that she has an unnatural way of dealing with life, as it seems that nothing really bothers her, and I know this is quite the contrary for me.

As long as I can remember I wanted to have the same personality traits as my sister, and it was because of her I was able to throw off an apathetic attitude I had when I was younger and embrace what I needed to do to live successfully.

Now chances are I will never be as successful as my sister (what with her graduating college and all) but I know that I can always be successful for me and mine. Whether she knows it or not, she inadvertently motivated me to be a better person in my life and what do I have to show for it?

A beautiful wife.
A job I love.
A relationship with my mother and father (which used to be quite rocky).
And sometimes...just sometimes...I get to throw a good zinger in a conversation that makes everyone laugh.

Kim, you have been an absolutely wonderful sister, you are a still a shining example to me, and you will forever be my friend. I constantly look forward to thanksgivings and Christmas's, July 4th's and Memorial days.

I offer you a salute for always knowing what the right thing to do was and doing it, no matter the difficulty and I just wanted you to know, that having you as my sister has made me a much better man, and hopefully, brother.

Love you Kim.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hardship, and failure.

Yup, it's been 4 months now.

People in this town still are defiant to rational thought, and they still love to act stupid.

From the woman who left her child at 2AM to go "get some milk" while the child left the home looking for her in 5 degree weather, to the man that drove from the bar to bail his wife out for domestic battery and he was drunk.

What's sad however is that everyone has an excuse. It's never their fault. I'm (apparently) a racist asshole, and all I care about is destroying families. They only do these dumb things because "they needed a fix". Or my all time favorite, I'm somehow breaking the law when arresting these people and they're going to sue me, because they know the Chief, or the Captain and THEY wouldn't arrest them.

I just don't get it.

How can one be THAT irresponsible? I mean I had my share of F*ck ups. I got myself into some pretty hard times. But I never blamed anyone but me. Yup I complained that life wasn't fair sometimes, but I still got back on the horse and kept trying to fix whatever issues I had until I succeeded. But apparently, THESE people are entitled to have whatever they want, and I'm a MAJOR inconvenience for them. (But they'll win the Powerball soon!)

I care about my fellow man and all, but these people sometimes....God, these people actively try to make me hate them. They're just no describing it. I mean I used to think Jerry Springer was staged. Trust me. It isn't.

Oh well I guess. Another day in paradise comes soon. Welfare abusers, professional victims, and just all around assholes await me. Ain't it grand to be here?

Monday, December 22, 2008

I'll be home for 231 different homes. (With retards on the road)

So it's been a while.

A long while.

But for now I'm back from the academy for Christmas. Erin and I recently got back from her home town (3 hours away) in celebration of her sides Christmas. Then we have the 25th here. Then the weekend after the 25th at MY parents. Then the weekend of the 3rd and 4th of January at my Aunt's for the extended family Christmas, and tonight we're doing a gift exchange with friends.

And all in all, it's not too bad.

Till you hit the F*#@ing streets.

Little tip for those of you who drive on ice...SPEED WILL KILL YOU!

Here I am driving back from academy, doing my 5 over (I know....I'm bad) and here comes Mr. Small Pecker in his pimped out ride with his spoiler doing 91 (Got him on radar but was out of jurisdiction). I nearly shit myself because I didn't see him approaching my ass till the last minute and I swerved in the moment almost going off the road.

But God is not without a sense of humor...not only does Captain Dingleberry hit a patch of black ice and almost kisses a semi right next to him, but he catches the eye of another driver...who is sitting in the median...with "State Trooper" down the side of his car...who's running radar.

All of a sudden Mr. Special Ed slows down to 55 and dives for an off ramp. I call 911 who transfers me to the local jurisdiction. I tell them I locked him at 90, what exit he took, and that I would be happy to sign a complaint. I leave my number and go on my merry way.

Right before I get home in my personal car I get a call.

"Hi is this Officer Arnold??"

"Yes it is."

"Hi I'm Trooper (forgot his name) and I was just confirming that you had a front lock on that car at 90 mph?"

"Actually it was 91 Mph that I had him"

"Oh...well good, because I had him at 87 but wrote him for 90 after dispatch advised me another radar was out there. He got a $175.00 ticket, thought you'd like to know."


Karma's a bitch ain't it?