Stupid people exist. I'm tired of not calling them on it...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hardship, and failure.

Yup, it's been 4 months now.

People in this town still are defiant to rational thought, and they still love to act stupid.

From the woman who left her child at 2AM to go "get some milk" while the child left the home looking for her in 5 degree weather, to the man that drove from the bar to bail his wife out for domestic battery and he was drunk.

What's sad however is that everyone has an excuse. It's never their fault. I'm (apparently) a racist asshole, and all I care about is destroying families. They only do these dumb things because "they needed a fix". Or my all time favorite, I'm somehow breaking the law when arresting these people and they're going to sue me, because they know the Chief, or the Captain and THEY wouldn't arrest them.

I just don't get it.

How can one be THAT irresponsible? I mean I had my share of F*ck ups. I got myself into some pretty hard times. But I never blamed anyone but me. Yup I complained that life wasn't fair sometimes, but I still got back on the horse and kept trying to fix whatever issues I had until I succeeded. But apparently, THESE people are entitled to have whatever they want, and I'm a MAJOR inconvenience for them. (But they'll win the Powerball soon!)

I care about my fellow man and all, but these people sometimes....God, these people actively try to make me hate them. They're just no describing it. I mean I used to think Jerry Springer was staged. Trust me. It isn't.

Oh well I guess. Another day in paradise comes soon. Welfare abusers, professional victims, and just all around assholes await me. Ain't it grand to be here?

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