Stupid people exist. I'm tired of not calling them on it...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What to even say.

I really don't have much to write about anymore these days.

Overall, I've vented about stupidity enough to be sick of it. Now I'm just happy if no one asks about the stupidity I get to deal with.

I've come to grips with the fact that, these people wear on me. There very existence makes my existence that much harder.

This in turn makes me bitter towards the general public, which bleeds over into my private and even family life. I snap faster around those I love then I do the asshats on the street. I'm willing to give a stranger the benifit of the doubt, but will bitch out my sister at the drop of a hat.

When did this happen?

It doesn't feel like the job is under my skin. It feels like it did 15 month ago when I was hired. Yet somehow, someway, an apathy, and general resentment towards mankind has set in.

I mean when I first started this blog I expected to make it satirical, with observations of how stupid people are. Now it's just observations of how much these people piss me off.

Wonder what the job will offer next.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Off topic, but it's been on my mind.

I know that the none of you that follow this blog are used to hearing me bitch and moan about the level of apathy towards respecting one's fellow man that general society has. However today, I've been going over some old photos of memorable events. This has made me draw the conclusion that I am NOT the sum of my experiences. But rather the sum of my experiences plus the guidance of many.

Today I want to thank one such person who has offered me guidance (although she might not know it.)

My sister Kim.

Kim has always been a nearly perfect example of what I am not.

She's trendy, I'm not.

She's phenomenal (or so I think) with money. I still struggle but am getting better at money management with my wife.

She always has the right thing to say in a conversation. I put my foot in my mouth 90% of the time, and annoy people the other 10%.

You get the picture.

But Kim has always been this shining example of how I want to be. She always has this aura of confidence that makes all her choices and problems seem so easy to handle. You could say that she has an unnatural way of dealing with life, as it seems that nothing really bothers her, and I know this is quite the contrary for me.

As long as I can remember I wanted to have the same personality traits as my sister, and it was because of her I was able to throw off an apathetic attitude I had when I was younger and embrace what I needed to do to live successfully.

Now chances are I will never be as successful as my sister (what with her graduating college and all) but I know that I can always be successful for me and mine. Whether she knows it or not, she inadvertently motivated me to be a better person in my life and what do I have to show for it?

A beautiful wife.
A job I love.
A relationship with my mother and father (which used to be quite rocky).
And sometimes...just sometimes...I get to throw a good zinger in a conversation that makes everyone laugh.

Kim, you have been an absolutely wonderful sister, you are a still a shining example to me, and you will forever be my friend. I constantly look forward to thanksgivings and Christmas's, July 4th's and Memorial days.

I offer you a salute for always knowing what the right thing to do was and doing it, no matter the difficulty and I just wanted you to know, that having you as my sister has made me a much better man, and hopefully, brother.

Love you Kim.