Stupid people exist. I'm tired of not calling them on it...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ever feel useless?

For anyone who reads my blog can immediately understand that there are people in this world with no forward momentum to progress in life. They sit and do nothing and complain that they REALLY need to hit that Powerball soon. While I hate these people, there are those that I hate more.

Stupidity irks me. This is obvious from the title of this blog. But what really enrages me is injustice. The following will probably not be what you expect if you read my last posts. This is somewhat disturbing, and I urge discretion before reading it.

Recently, I was dispatched to a bad part of town (trailer park) for a suspected child abuse case. When I arrived I was greeted by the maintenance man for the area. He calmly greeted me and invited me in a trailer that was recently being renovated. He tells me heard from a friend of a friend of a friend (This is now 4th party) told a girl was being sexually molested in one of the trailers. I attempted contact with the 3rd party to confirm this, but they weren't home. So I moved up the scale and attempted to reach the 2nd party.

I made contact with a young girl (no more than 15) who told me her neighbor across the street (another young girl around 12-13) confided in her she was being molested.

Now, before I go any further, I want to clarify I did not rush on a rampaging crusade to save the girl immediately. I had to press the issue to see if she was lying out of spite or if this was a legitimate complaint. I asked a flurry of questions, each of which received a satisfactory response. I then requested she write a statement for me. A girl at the age of 15 wrote the following:

"...she stayed the night one night at my house. At 1:00 in the morning she was sad and cried. She told me her mommies boyfriend does bad things to her sometimes. She said he tells her get undressed and "do it like he showed her". She said she got undressed and on top of him. She said he tries to "stick it in her" and when she says "Ow" he says "We'll try again next year."

I could not believe the level of detail in this statement. A 15 year old should have no knowledge of this! I immediately forwarded the report to the child crime investigator who tells me that there may not be enough probable cause to remove the child from the home, and if we ask her to come down to the station without probable cause and the mother refuses, we may NEVER get to talk to her.

I was disheartened and left the case in her hands. A few days ago, the Detective called me to her desk and told me that they got her out of the house to try to talk to her. Unfortunately this 12 year old girl would not say anything negative about her mothers boyfriend. Apparently the Detective said she gave signs she wanted to talk by asking questions like, "If he did do something wrong how long would he go away?" By the end of the interview, the girl was in tears saying "I don't want him to go away, he's nice!"

I started to hold hope, that maybe this man wasn't doing this, and I was mistaken, when the Detective dropped a bombshell.

This gentleman's previous history showed him having sexual relations with his younger sister (age 6-9 at that time) and giving her gonorrhea. It shows additional underage sexual charges, with no convictions. Lastly it showed his relationship to some immediate family members. Suffice to say, the man is living with and sleeping with his cousin.

I asked the Detective what was next. She said the only thing we can do, is watch the home from time to time, and wait until the girl wants to talk.

Ever feel useless??

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Rage does not even BEGIN to describe how I felt when I read this. My sister hosts a blog, and suffice to say, when she posted this I wanted to FIND this bitch and give her a taste of my mind.

I had to post this here, because this is stupidity at it's strongest.

I know I was surprised.

Really. I was. I swear.

Okay, yes I'm lying. I wasn't surprised but rather in awe of the stupidity this took.

I was taking a report on a vehicle burglary today. Someone broke into a guy's car and stole a bunch of electronics, and everything seemed pretty on par in the terms of how a crime goes. Then he drops the list of items lost. They include:

2 laptops (less than 8 months old)
2 Ipod touch MP3 players
1 Sony Entertainment System
and mannnny many other items, suffice to say the total loss was at $5,500.00. I WISH I was making that up.

So I ask him, "When was the last time you saw this equipment?"

He replies, "Well I loaded it into a black duffel bag on at like...10:30 in the morning."

"Okay," I say, "and when did you notice it missing."

"Uhhh today round 12:00."

So I think to myself "Self...If you threw $5,500.00 worth of electronics into your car, you'd secure it, so there must be signs of forced entry."

So I ask, "Are there any signs of forced entry?"

"Ah, well...nahh...nahh man. See, I only have the ignition key to this car, sooo like, I have to leave the doors unlocked in order to drive it. Plus the back windows don't roll up."

At this point I nearly took my own Taser, placed it at the base of mine spine and fired in order to calm the screaming monkey in my head that wanted me to just kick this guy in the kneecap. Instead I just confirm his story...

"So you loaded $5,500.00 of electronics into a bag, and left it in an unsecure car, with the windows down for almost 48 hours."

"Yeah." And of course he says this like I'M the tool who doesn't know what he's doing.

I told him there was almost no shot of getting this stuff back unless someone tries to sell it. He kinda seems sad, and gives me a thank you as he leaves.

At least some stupid people are smart enough to be sad they lost their belongings.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Apparently, rims, speakers, and cloth are the 3 most precious commodities....EVER.

I'm driving down the road today, and begin to think. And anyone who knows me, can tell you, when I think, I just get more and more pissed.

Anyway, I'm driving down a normal everyday road and out pops an SUV in front of me, which is just fine. Until I hear the awesome bass pumping out his car. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy some body vibrating bass. That's not the problem. The problem pops up when I can tell the system cost at least $1000.00. Not only that, as the vehicle turns, I see those oh so SUPER FANTASTIC spinner rims. (Cheapest spinners I can find online are $750.00 without installation.) It also has a GPS system, AND a in dash DVD player, with 2 hanging screens in the back.

So just the extra crap on this $30,000 base cost vehicle is around $7,000 to $10,000 dollars. None of this really set me off. I mean, it is this guy's money and all. But I'm headed into the bad part of town, and I mean the Clark Griswold "Kids you noticing all this plight? ROLL EM UP" bad part of town. I then observe this fella turn into the WORST trailer park in the city. Intrigued (and because I was bored) I follow him. He pulls up to a shanty like trailer and out comes 3 kids, none over the age of 6 to greet him. It would appear he just got home to be with his family. If that is the case, I do believe this man should have a cattle prod rammed up his ass and then have the electric current the Hoover Dam generates run through it.

Why the hell would you blow money on something that rolls around on the ground instead of getting a decent apartment, or a down payment on a house???? People who do this drive me bat shit crazy. I mean I splurge a little now and then, but not five figures on something SHINY. And also, how in the hell can you justify splurging that amount when you have kids living in a crime ridden area??

But wait for gets oh so much better. The wife (i assume) exits from the living room/kitchen door holding a HUGE purse bearing the trademark "CC" of Chanel and wearing sunglasses with a VISABLE "DG" (Dolce and Gabanna) emblem on the sides. My wife tells me a real Chanel purse is around $3,000 friggen dollars and the sunglasses around $200.00. Again WHILE LIVING IN A FRIGGEN TRAILER!

Please of the love of Christ someone explain these people's logic to me.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Perhaps a video demonstration would be in order.

Okay, here is a generic example of what I deal with.

Now, take the old lady, and drop her IQ to 6.
Make the 13 year old a "thug gangsta".
And as I'm leaving, have the 13 year old Pimp slap the old lady.

THAT'S what it's like. And while I hate it, at the same time, I LOVE IT. I was under the impression fences were there for a purpose.

Another cop story...prepare yourself.

So it downpours today. Badly. For the first 10 hours of the whole shift not a single overly stupid person. My theory is now that for every hour of non-stupidity I get, someone somewhere is collecting "stupid-vibes" and making AWESOME decisions. These awesome decisions build and build until something like what happened, happens.

I just get off of a call, and receive notification that in ANOTHER location someone may of had an accident. All of this is 40 minutes away from the end of a 12 hour shift.

"Meh." I think, "Well, I'll just get it cranked out, catch up on my paper work and go home."

As I pull around the corner, my thoughts shift from "meh" to "NO FU*#ING WAY!"

At the end of a round about there is a fence. Or what's left of a fence. Skid marks are in the road and grass leading past the fence at least 50 feet. A truck is sitting there...with one passenger. I start talking and almost get hammered from the person's breath. (FYI, I won't ever being specifying names, locations or sex, so sorry for those who want nitty gritty details. You won't be getting them.) The person proceeds to tell me they were in an argument with a significant other, after having several drinks. The person shatters my faith in man (like most people do) by saying "And I drove alone cause I had been drinking so I thought I probably shouldn't take the kids with me."

Now my first question is; if you're at a bar....what the F*#K are kids doing around you. Secondly, how the hell do you go from BAR to CRASHING THROUGH A FENCE THAT'S BEEN REINFORCED WITH 2 INCH PIPE? Well however you do progress throught that thought process, it doesn't matter. And the person didn't even care we were talking about DUI here.

Skipping ahead, the person refuses to give a breath analyisis at the station. Now, I'm not sure if you understand how a breath analyzer works, but a FART could be registered on this thing and this person swears "I'm blowing as hard as I can!!! But since it isn't registering I guess I'll just take a refusal." NOT MORE THAN 3 MINUTES LATER I say.

"Your license will be suspended in 30 days for refusing to take a breath test"

"When did I refuse to do that?"

/FACEPALM "About 3 minutes ago."

"But...I only had 2 beers!"

Okay, not only did the person blow TWICE over the legal limit, the person also told me at the scene they had FOUR.

2 HOURS after shift get's over, I'm rid of this new Einstein and going home thinking, "12 more hours tomorrow."

Thursday, August 7, 2008

"I hate speeding tickets. I have a fast car!"

For those that don't know by now, I am a Police Officer. Today I went into the city building to pay my water bill and was met by the brightest of the bright... A young man with a sideways baseball cap, almost no teeth, with pants and a shirt so baggy you could smuggle Rosanne Arnold in them and still have room for a 12 gauge.**Shudder**

He looks at me and says:

"Hey, so you're with the **My City** Police?"

I responded, "Yes I am."

"Do you know an Officer **Name Omitted**? He got me for doing 61 in a 30, and I had to pay a $365 dollar ticket."

"Yes, I do. He was my field training Officer."

"Yeah, like I guess 15 guys complained to the post watchman." (Sidenote, I'm in a city close to a military base) "I guess he just camps there. Its F***ing BullShi*."

"Well I guess my advice to you would be...Don't Speed."

"But I have a fast car! A pimp daddy ride!"

/FACEPALM... (For those of you unfamiliar with "/facepalm" it's the internet way to convey that you just took your open hand, and slammed it into your face in anguish from the stupidity you just witnessed)

He continues after I pay my bill....

"So how do I go about getting the tickets off my record?"

"Ummm...I believe that would be the courts that might be able to help you with that."

"You can't?"

"No, I can't. My duty is to catch people speeding. I don't deal with the other crap, like diversions. You'll have to go through the courts."

He then enters into a drawn out speech about how the State and town suck because we fine so much for speeding and that he goes 115mph in 30mph zones, and the entire time he's doing this, the two very attractive ladies behind the counter that just got done taking our payments, are looking at him like he's the most obnoxious piece of s*** they've ever seen. He of course is oblivious to this and continues on, saying that police shouldn't just sit in a spot waiting for speeding tickets, when in all actuality, we only sit when those peak traffic times come and we know dinglefarts like him will be showing up soon.

And my faith in man grows weaker...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

"I'm hot" says Paris

For those who are keeping up with the political ads, John McCain launched an ad calling Obama a "celebrity". In this ad he uses a photo of Paris Hilton for (I shit you not) less than one second. Well Paris has a FIT. Says that he shouldn't have used her image, and creates a parody ad for.....(Actually I have no clue WHY she formed a parody)

In any case, I'll be the first to concede that Paris' commercial DID hold my attention. But really, this is another example of my loss of faith in man-kind. Not that an ad could do that mind you; but rather the circus that has become modern politics. I still hold a minuscule hope that people will wake up one day and address each political area by what THEY believe is right, and not what the Republicans OR democrats think is right. But of course I'm slapped with a Republican on national TV saying "Well he's a Muslim so I'm for McCain.", and a Democrat who says "He was affiliated with Bush so I'm for Obama." **sigh** I digress...

This ad that was put out has no real negative value on this election, but sweet CHRIST Paris; did you HAVE to go make a statement over an image used for less than a second? All that happened was you were called a celebrity and your image was flashed in a political ad. Isn't that a step up from (not being called one but actually) being a whore on an internet video? If everyone promises to never use your face on TV or the internet (like you could stop THAT video being downloaded) will you kindly crawl up in a cave and die?

"Omg?? I got pregnant?"

Heard about this pregnancy pact?? If not, here is my first sample of why I have no faith in the human race any longer, and think pro-creation needs a license granted by those with an IQ over 110.,8599,1815845,00.html

In any case, one of the girls is now reporting she did it because "her school had a poor sex-ed program".

First of all, the report goes into how movies like Juno and Knocked Up were blamed. I personally would like to know who blamed them and give them one of those "V8 smacks" to the head for making me take the time to write this. Movies don't cause action...EVER. Influence? Maybe. But to say that movie directly caused someone to do something is one of the most irresponsible statements someone could make. CHOICE is what caused these girls to do this, nothing more.

But let's dive further into the realm of unbelievable stupidity that this sordid story entails. How the hell can you blame a school for sex-ed teaching practices? For Christ's sake, who in there right mind could defend against a girl willingly going out and getting themselves pregnant by a 24 year old bum? That's like me shooting myself in the shoulder and blaming the school for not teaching me about guns. What the F*** did you EXPECT to happen girl? Magical rainbows and sunshine?

The absolute best part this whole article is the "suspected reason" for them doing it.

"But Amanda Ireland, who graduated from Gloucester High on June 8, thinks she knows why these girls wanted to get pregnant. Ireland, 18, gave birth her freshman year and says some of her now pregnant schoolmates regularly approached her in the hall, remarking how lucky she was to have a baby. "They're so excited to finally have someone to love them unconditionally," Ireland says. "I try to explain it's hard to feel loved when an infant is screaming to be fed at 3 a.m."

Okay first of all, Ms. Ireland I salute you. In this article, you didn't blame the school, the father, society, the government, a freak unscheduled solar-flare, or anything else for your pregnancy. THANK YOU! You are a shining example of how to take responsibility for your actions. Moving on though; if these girls saw a young teen mother and were envious that's FINE. It's EXPECTED to see someone happy and to want that for yourself. However, if one acts blindly upon that, then quite frankly it's stupid. Almost "sticking-a-pencil-up-your-nose-to-tickle-your-brain" stupid and at the age of 16 if you can't make that decision for yourself, your parents need to have a 6:00 PM curfew on you.

Overall though, my message to the one person that will ever read this blog can be summarized in a response to the last paragraph of the article:

"Gloucester's elected school committee plans to vote later this summer on whether to provide contraceptives. But that won't do much to solve the issue of teens wanting to get pregnant. Says rising junior Kacia Lowe, who is a classmate of the pactmakers': "No one's offered them a better option." And better options may be a tall order in a city so uncertain of its future"

Here is the better option. When the channel 8 News or CNN comes, and you are interviewed Mr. or Mrs. Principle, say the following:

"These girls were obviously stupid, and perhaps having these children will instill a purpose or at least some responsibility in them. For any other students who want to have kids without thinking about it, I hope you have some wealthy parents."

While this may seem horrific I guarantee after no support is offered for their AWESOME choice, a 16 year old girl may actually think twice before allowing a 24 year old bum to have his way with them.

The overall feel of the blog

I try. I try SO hard. I try to embrace my fellow man, and make sure that everyone receives respect from me. Time and time again, however, I find the human race must spew a resounding, "F*** YOU!" to my tolerance and understanding.

Perhaps an example is in order. For instance, a child may be in a park, while his mother or father decides to not pay attention and the child climbs a tree, falls and snaps an arm. Everyone is in agreement that the incident is unfortunate right?? Of course, but then there are those OH so WONDERFUL people who decide that the city in which the park was located is ultimately responsible because there wasn't four to six pillows underneath the tree to cushion falls of unsupervised children.

Yes I exaggerate a little but really, this is the crap that cause me to scream obscenities at an inanimate computer screen or television in rage and anger.

This blog will be my opinions, ideas, and overall rants about current society and personal experiences in my life. Enjoy!