Stupid people exist. I'm tired of not calling them on it...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Apparently, rims, speakers, and cloth are the 3 most precious commodities....EVER.

I'm driving down the road today, and begin to think. And anyone who knows me, can tell you, when I think, I just get more and more pissed.

Anyway, I'm driving down a normal everyday road and out pops an SUV in front of me, which is just fine. Until I hear the awesome bass pumping out his car. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy some body vibrating bass. That's not the problem. The problem pops up when I can tell the system cost at least $1000.00. Not only that, as the vehicle turns, I see those oh so SUPER FANTASTIC spinner rims. (Cheapest spinners I can find online are $750.00 without installation.) It also has a GPS system, AND a in dash DVD player, with 2 hanging screens in the back.

So just the extra crap on this $30,000 base cost vehicle is around $7,000 to $10,000 dollars. None of this really set me off. I mean, it is this guy's money and all. But I'm headed into the bad part of town, and I mean the Clark Griswold "Kids you noticing all this plight? ROLL EM UP" bad part of town. I then observe this fella turn into the WORST trailer park in the city. Intrigued (and because I was bored) I follow him. He pulls up to a shanty like trailer and out comes 3 kids, none over the age of 6 to greet him. It would appear he just got home to be with his family. If that is the case, I do believe this man should have a cattle prod rammed up his ass and then have the electric current the Hoover Dam generates run through it.

Why the hell would you blow money on something that rolls around on the ground instead of getting a decent apartment, or a down payment on a house???? People who do this drive me bat shit crazy. I mean I splurge a little now and then, but not five figures on something SHINY. And also, how in the hell can you justify splurging that amount when you have kids living in a crime ridden area??

But wait for gets oh so much better. The wife (i assume) exits from the living room/kitchen door holding a HUGE purse bearing the trademark "CC" of Chanel and wearing sunglasses with a VISABLE "DG" (Dolce and Gabanna) emblem on the sides. My wife tells me a real Chanel purse is around $3,000 friggen dollars and the sunglasses around $200.00. Again WHILE LIVING IN A FRIGGEN TRAILER!

Please of the love of Christ someone explain these people's logic to me.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Of course the bag could be a knockoff. I have lots of those! :)