Stupid people exist. I'm tired of not calling them on it...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The overall feel of the blog

I try. I try SO hard. I try to embrace my fellow man, and make sure that everyone receives respect from me. Time and time again, however, I find the human race must spew a resounding, "F*** YOU!" to my tolerance and understanding.

Perhaps an example is in order. For instance, a child may be in a park, while his mother or father decides to not pay attention and the child climbs a tree, falls and snaps an arm. Everyone is in agreement that the incident is unfortunate right?? Of course, but then there are those OH so WONDERFUL people who decide that the city in which the park was located is ultimately responsible because there wasn't four to six pillows underneath the tree to cushion falls of unsupervised children.

Yes I exaggerate a little but really, this is the crap that cause me to scream obscenities at an inanimate computer screen or television in rage and anger.

This blog will be my opinions, ideas, and overall rants about current society and personal experiences in my life. Enjoy!

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