Stupid people exist. I'm tired of not calling them on it...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Before you critique a profession you know little about...Get the full report.

My wife has already blogged about this on her page (I RULE YOU). But I want my two cents in here.

First of all, unless the Associated Press is giving wrong info here, a black male was seen "jimmying" a lock on a home. A concerned neighbor called thinking that said subject was breaking in (good neighbor no?). Police respond and make contact with the subject. The police (thinking that this could be a possible burglar *an offense deemed a felony*) demand that the subject show ID.

The subject refuses.

Stop there and think about your next move as a police officer.

You have a forced entry. You have a subject in the home who is refusing to give identification and NO confirmation that said subject lives there. WHAT DO YOU DO?

The police had the option of immediately arresting him, but from what I understand, they waited until a slew of verbal attacks came from the subject calling the Officers "Racist".

The Officers arrest said subject for disorderly conduct.

Now things you need to know about this. In most states (and I'm not familiar with Massachusetts law) refusing to give an Officer identification is an arrestable offense. But besides that fact, what would have happened to the Officer had this BEEN a burglar who was, say, armed with a handgun? If the Officer didn't execute some type of action, there is a high probability he could be killed.

Well guess what...OFFICER'S THINK LIKE THAT. Skip over the fact that the arrest was legit, I guarantee that the Officer's mindset was one of "I am going home tonight".

But enough about the arrest. Let's move on to the comments of the President.

It just so happens that the subject arrested is a friend of Obama. Obama is then asked about the incident in a press conference, makes no reference to hearing the Officer's side of the story or reading the Police Report, and says the Officer's "Acted stupidly".

Mr. Obama, throw a badge and gun on. Come see what we deal with. I implore you to do so, as it might enlighten you to what we "racist" stupid cops have to put up with.

I for one, have been called racist at least 1,000 times (my career has spanned 18 months at this point) and in all the cases, my arrests were deemed righteous.

This is by far, one of the worst smeaers law enforcement has ever recieved. And it's completely unjustified. But let's throw some icing on the cake shall we?? The Officer who executed the arrest?? Yeah, he's a certified EXPERT on the subject of Racial Profiling. This is by far my favorite quote from the AP.

"Cambridge Sgt. James Crowley has taught a class about racial profiling for five years at the Lowell Police Academy after being hand-picked for the job by former police Commissioner Ronny Watson, who is black, said Academy Director Thomas Fleming."

Oh snap! It would seem, that the Officer who executed the arrest is the LAST person on the face of the planet who would racially profile!!!!

Before I finish though, I think I should explain what racial profiling is EXACTLY.

Essentially racial profiling is the detaining (or stopping) a subject because of their race and their race ALONE. An example of racial profiling would be a report of someone (no race given) breaking into a house. When Officers arrive, 5 white males and one black male is present. Before Officer's ask questions, the dismiss the 5 white males, and accuse the black male of being the burglar. SEE THE DIFFERANCE?

Lastly, I would like to note that, yes, there are Officer's that racially profile. If these Officers are located, they should be terminated on the spot, no questions asked, and should NEVER work law enforcement again. Our jobs are to enforce the law, and there is NO segregation in the law.

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